QR Code Marketing for Martial Arts Schools marketing martial arts martial arts marketing qr codes Aug 02, 2022

QR codes are the way of the future.  Here’s 3 ways you can use QR Codes in your martial arts school to boost marketing.

Throughout the article I’ll reference our school, BETA Academy and share example of how we are leveraging the power of QR codes in our Muay Thai and BJJ School....

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More Martial Arts School Income Streams with Shopify Store brand building brazilian jiu-jitsu marketing martial arts school merchandise sales mma muay thai online store small business Mar 01, 2022

Merchandise and gear sales are a great complimentary income stream for martial arts schools, particularly Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai Academies because we have so many items that we can offer to our students.  Jiu-Jitsu Gi, rash guards, boxing gloves, shinguards, etc., the options are...

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Any Reason to Market at your Martial Arts School marketing martial arts school sales Feb 18, 2022

Any Reason to Promote

Its going to be President's Day here soon in the good ole USA.  On holidays, my mailbox and inbox gets filled with deals for furniture, appliances, and discounts for other stuff I probably don't need.  I guess I'm used to it and...I EXPECT it.


We can take...

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Martial Arts for Law Enforcement Officers government contracts income streams law enforcement marketing martial arts Feb 08, 2022

At the onset of the pandemic, it was clear that marital arts schools needed multiple and alternative income streams in order to survive the crisis.  Income streams require time to cultivate, as we need to sow the seeds before we can pluck the fruit.  One area in particular that we...

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Reflections on Creating a Brand brand building marketing martial arts school small business Aug 20, 2021

Some thoughts on branding while wandering in Puerto Rico.  

I’m a coffee drinker…no a coffee fiend.  In 2019, I gave up caffeine (and a bunch of other vices) as an experiment.  It was an attempt to cleanse the body and mind of what I felt at that time to be bad...

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